customization en custom made art
Rotterdam Today

Inntel Hotel

Great photo by Klaus Lucas from the balcony of the Inntel Hotel in Rotterdam.
A beautiful reflection and play of colors with a view over the Erasmus Bridge, the Wilhelminapier and the Maas of Rotterdam.

Guide prices
Various materials possible.

Prices based on 80x120 cm
€ 1.299,- | Artprint + Epoxy
€ 1.550,- | Artprint + Epoxy + paint & glitter edits
€ 1.950,- | Artprint + Epoxy on sheet metal (gold/copper/chrome)
€ 2.150,- | Artprint + Epoxy on structured sheet metal (gold/copper/chrome)
€   999,-  | Artprint + Plexiglass | matt/gloss

ArtistKlaus Lucas

SizesVoor u op maat gemaakt


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